




You know how when you're in some type of online banking and you press back and you get a white screen with the text saying you have to do a resubmit on the page to do a complete refresh? I want to do that in one of my applications. How does one do it? I've tried the following meta tags, but it's not working:

<meta http-equiv=expires content=-1>
<meta http-equiv=Cache-Control CONTENT=no-cache>
<meta http-equiv=Pragma CONTENT=no-cache>

I think that theyt have some page in between. So a page does a header redirect, if the user comes from a specific page but shows a message, if the user pressed back on the target page.


Let's name the page that you want to refresh "MainPage".

Let's say the user goes from page A to MainPage through a <form/> submission, then go to page B. If the user goes back to MainPage, the "resubmit" popup will appear. Otherwise, the browser will get the page from the cache.

Now, adding the "meta" tags that you list should force the browser to refresh the page and not load it from the cache. But the "resubmit popup" only appears when the user goes to a page that was generated through <form/> submission.

Thierry-Dimitri Roy

The white screen you're describing is due to an HTTP form POST between pages, not just a straight forward link. The browser is asking whether you want to re-post the entire request. So you could use a <form> tag with method="post".
