



i have 500 records in a table. one column holds all html data. so e.g - html> body> ... /body> /html>. What i want to do is a find and replace. i have this tag in every single record - <table id="something something" /> i want to replace that in all the rows with <table id="" /> now the difficult part is all the "something something" is different for each and every alt. So the only common tag is "table id=". how can do a find an replace here?


You will likely need to write a stored procedure to do this, a combination of a SELECT statement to find and an UPDATE statement to replace.

logically i know how to do it. anyone knows. do u have an example of the syntax i need to use? if not, please dont answer this question
+4  A: 

Use the REPLACE function:

   SET html_data = REPLACE(html_data, 
                           '<table id="something something" />', 
                           '<table id="" />')

the difficult part is all the "something something" is different for each and every alt.

SQL Server 2005+ has CLR functionality, which you'd need to use to create a regex replace function in order to be more accommodating as a single query. See this page for both a downloadable script, and the source code.

For SQL Server versions prior to that, you might just be better off getting the content to a text file & updating the content via regex/etc, for overwriting the existing content.

OMG Ponies
The OP is looking for a generic solution where the table id may be different in each case.
@JacobM: Which my answer addresses...
OMG Ponies
Yep. It didn't when I made that comment -- and I've replaced my downvote with an upvote.
JacobM: Have patience :) I appreciate the reversal
OMG Ponies
+1  A: 

If you write a cursor function to go through each row of the table (very inefficient, but I'm guessing that you're only doing this once?)

Then do a replace on that string:

SELECT REPLACE(@HTMLText,'table id="%" />','table id=""');

I think that should do what you need, and here is basic cursor functionality if you need it:

EDIT: Actually, I tested a bit more, and I can't get it to accept the wildcard, although it doesn't complain, I don't see it functioning properly...

i like this idea but for some reason nothing happened. it came back with the existing row that was before replace.
this is my syntax -select REPLACE(html,'table id="%" />','table id=""') from Articleswhere id=101.. html is name of the field.
Yeah, I'm sorry, I thought I had the wildcard working, but unfortunately the REPLACE() function does not take a wildcard...
+3  A: 

Try this (assumes only one "table id" occurs in each):

declare @TestTable table (
    html_data varchar(100)

insert into @TestTable
    select '<html><body><table id="something something" /></body></html>'
    union all
    select '<html><body><table id="something different" /></body></html>'

select html_data from @TestTable

update t
    set html_data = LEFT(t.html_data, CHARINDEX('<table id="', t.html_data)-1) 
                    + '<table id="" />'
                    + RIGHT(t.html_data, LEN(t.html_data) - CHARINDEX(' />', t.html_data, CHARINDEX('<table id="', t.html_data)) - 2)
        from @TestTable t

select html_data from @TestTable

EDIT: Based on feedback in the comments below, this modified code should work.

declare @TestTable table (
    html_data varchar(100)

insert into @TestTable
    select '<html><body><table id="xxx"><tr><td></td></tr></table>... </body></html>'

select html_data from @TestTable

update t
    set html_data = LEFT(t.html_data, CHARINDEX('<table id="', t.html_data)-1) 
                    + '<table id="">'
                    + right(t.html_data, LEN(t.html_data) - CHARINDEX('>', t.html_data, CHARINDEX('<table id="', t.html_data)))
        from @TestTable t

select html_data from @TestTable
Joe Stefanelli
it added a "<table id="">" before the existing "<table id="eded">" looks good so far but how do i remove existing or replace existing?
Can you post the html string you're testing against?
Joe Stefanelli
<html><body><table id="xxx"><tr><td></td></tr></table>... more tables and tr's and td's. </body></html>. so this is 1 row in the field html of the table in sql server. i hope that answers. thanks for all the help
This is substantially different than what you originally posted `<table id="something something" />`. The code I wrote was dependent on the existence of the terminating `/>` and will not work in light of this data.
Joe Stefanelli
I've added a second code block to my answer that should handle the case you've posted in your comment.
Joe Stefanelli
perfect. man you're good. thank you so much. for some reason its not letting me pick top answer
You should be able to click on the outlined check mark to accept this answer.
Joe Stefanelli