I have a rute in my asp.net mvc 2 site that looks like this
new { controller = "Media", action = "Display" },
new { mediaId = @"\d+" }
Where mediaId is the id, and mediaName is the title of the media. An example
Where the id is 1, and the name is "test media list", the problem here is that i replace space " " with -, and that ruins my route.
I just can't figure out how to make this so "mediaName" can contain a -.
i also have the following rute, but the solution should be the same.
new { controller = "Media", action = "Edit" },
new { mediaId = @"\d+" }
Also are it possible to make a route that will catch all the following 3 exampels, right now do i just have 3 different routes, but i would like to cut this down.