I'm just starting out with C# and ASP.NET and have the following questions. I am working with code adapted from a couple different tutorials playing with Northwind and have gotten this far. The list of acceptable categories is currently hard coded in a string but I would like to look up the CategoryName in the database to verify that it exists.
Obviously the purpose of this is to ensure that users don't just type:
www.domain.com/Categories/AnyUrlWillWork and return a valid page.
Also does anyone have an tips of how they are dealing with capitalization issues since the routing is case sensitive? For example Categories/beverages should forward to Categories/Beverages ?
Thanks in advance for any assistance, and glad to be joining Stack Overflow.
//Complex contraint class
public class EchoConstraint : IRouteConstraint
public readonly string[] ValidMessages = { "Beverages", "Produce", "Confections", "Seafood" };
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
string message = values["CategoryName"] as string;
return ValidMessages.Contains(message);
"Category Route", // Route name
"Categories/{CategoryName}", // Url pattern
"~/ShowProductsInCategory.aspx", // Physical file
new RouteValueDictionary
{{"CategoryName", "Beverages"}}, //Sets default value if none is provided in URL
new RouteValueDictionary
{{"CategoryName", new EchoConstraint()}}