Technical experience is useful in any kind of management, assuming you are managing what you were doing. Unfortunately you rapidly lose that technical edge and eventually turn into the guy who talks about stuff which was out of date five years ago. You know the guy and you don't want to be me ... I mean him. Alternatively you find that you can't let go of the technical stuff which is distracting at best.
The people that you are managing want you to become good at the management stuff and protect them from that. If you stick too close to the technical side, you risk annoying your team by making an ever weaker technical contribution and annoying your management by not managing.
That means that technical knowledge is only a short term help which compensates for lack of management experience for a while. If you want to do it and you think you can be good at it, go for it. If you aren't sure, keep away from it because you wont like it.