




I was looking at some practice questions, and one had me curious. Do I need to answer based on how the test was probably written as opposed to what is currently true, or am I reading the question wrong?

Question: Which of the following pieces of information is available through the SqlServerEnumerator object (choose all that apply).
A. The name of the SQL Server
B. The number of databases currently on the server
C. The version number of the server
D. The instance name for servers that are not running default instances

I had chosen all (A, B, C, D) but according to the answers, it has

B. Incorrect: The number of databases is not provided by the SqlServerEnumerator object.

However, in my opinion, it should be included. The information is available, though not directly available, as follows:


So, I would like advice from those who have taken certification exams to guide me. I have not worked with .NET 2.0 in a long time, so I don't know what was not available compared to 3.5 and 4.0, and am concerned I could lose points over something like this.