do until rs1.eof
elseif year(tDate) = year(now) then
elseif rs1("leavetype") = 1 and (rs1("statusLev1") = "z" and rs1("statusLev2") = "z") then
childcare = childcare + rs1("totaldays")
elseif rs1("leavetype") = 28 and (rs1("statusLev1") = "P" and rs1("statusLev2") = "P") then
<script>alert("You are...")
end if
end if
After submitting leavetype = 28 ,i can't apply any other leave as the message box is showing.I want to show the message box only if i applied for leave type 28 and status level is p.Otherwise i don't need to the message box for leave 1 or 2.How can i modify..? Thanks