Imagine we how some basic colors:
RED = Color ((196, 2, 51), "RED")
ORANGE = Color ((255, 165, 0), "ORANGE")
YELLOW = Color ((255, 205, 0), "YELLOW")
GREEN = Color ((0, 128, 0), "GREEN")
BLUE = Color ((0, 0, 255), "BLUE")
VIOLET = Color ((127, 0, 255), "VIOLET")
BLACK = Color ((0, 0, 0), "BLACK")
WHITE = Color ((255, 255, 255), "WHITE")
I want to have a function, which gets a 3-tuple as a parameter (like (206, 17, 38)), and it should return the color which it is. For instance, (206, 17, 38) is red, and (2, 2, 0) is black, and (0, 255, 0) is green. Which is most accurate way to choose one of 8 colors?