





I tried everything to get my logo image to be picked as the thumbnail, but this is eluding me! It keeps defaulting to either the Twitter or Facebook button when I try to share this link on Facebook.

    <meta property="og:image" content="http://new.sonikastudios.com/images/sonika_logo.png"/&gt;

<link rel="image_src" type="image/jpeg" href="http://new.sonikastudios.com/images/sonika_logo.png" />

Those are specified on the section.. not to mention the img tag is straight-foward:

<a href="/" title="Sonika Studios Inc."><img src="/images/sonika_logo.png" title="Sonika Studios Inc." alt="Sonika Studios Inc." /></a>

What am I missing to make my logo the main thumbnail for Facebook shares? Thanks in advance.


Probably because you specified the MIME type as image/jpeg when your image is actually a PNG.

Just remove the type attribute - it's not required by Facebook Share.

Peter Bailey
Now it picks up NONE of the images... not even the two Twitter iamges. But at least it's changed something! I found that bit about the image size and ratio restriction, so I'm thinking that might be it - my logo is a bit on the long side, but I have a square version so I'm going to upload that and see what happens. Thank you for that link.
So it was the size that was the issue. I had to upload another image in the images folder (although not displayed anywhere on the page) and now it works.. Thank you for pointing me to the right page!