



I have a pretty complex object with numerous datatypes. A few datatypes are Lists (LazyLists to be exact).

In my form, I let the user enter up to, say 3 items for this list and my form input names correspond appropriately:


If the user decides to only enter one object's values, that's fine with me, but I do not want a list like this:

myObjList[0] = {Name = "joe", Email = "[email protected]"}
myObjList[1] = {Name = null, Email = null}
myObjList[2] = {Name = null, Email = null}

The problem I've found is that the DefaultModelBinder will create the object first then just not bind the properties - leaving the object with null properties. In the case of a list, the UpdateCollection method doesn't seem to care, and just adds the objects while there are objects to add.

Any ideas? Is there something simple I'm missing?


This seems to work well. I bind the list normally, then I return only the items that are not equal to a new EventContact (where all the fields are null).

public class EventContactListModelBinder : IModelBinder
    #region IModelBinder Members

    public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        LazyList<EventContact> contacts = (LazyList<EventContact>)ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
        var p = (from e in contacts
                 where !e.Equals(new EventContact())
                 select e).AsQueryable();
        return new LazyList<EventContact>(p);


I'm still open to a more elegant solution if one exists :)
