I want to develop a small Android app to measure the current noise level (probablyin dB). But I have no idea what to look for in the libs. I don't want to record the noise. Can someone give me a pointer what classes to look at?
I recommend looking in these classes:
We used them in the Blinkendroid audio package a short while ago.
2010-08-25 15:58:04
I had a look through those, it seems to me you'd have to record a file, immediately process that file to get the noise level, repeat, which would be extremely inefficient. There's no direct access to the microphone in there...
2010-08-25 16:06:58
Maybe these three classes in the repository might help you there:http://code.google.com/p/blinkendroid/source/browse/trunk/blinkendroid/src/org/cbase/blinkendroid/audio/?r=96We've recorded, processed and visualized audio in this project, but dropped it again.
2010-08-25 16:09:30
I was hoping to do it without recording, but I will check.
2010-08-25 16:11:32
In order to do something with the sound you have to record it. You don't have to save it on the device, though.
2010-08-25 16:15:17
Now that I know what to search for, I also found this thread, which also uses recording: http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/504e8bb570cc6b08?pli=1
2010-08-25 16:16:14