




Via phpinfo, I get the following for include_path Master Value.


It does not appear to be set anywhere... php ini has all include_path(s) commented out, my apps do not set it manually, apache conf/php conf/other assorted conf's/ini's do not set it, no results when searching for set_include_path or phpvalue or ini_set, etc.

Any ideas where else "include_path" might be set? I am asking specifically about master value.

(I am on CentOS 5.4)

+2  A: 

From php.ini file

; PHP's default setting for include_path is ".;/path/to/php/pear"
; http://php.net/include-path

and yours above seems to be adding PHP's directory, so current directory; pear; PHP (PHP's home) directory

You can also check Apache confs or your .htaccess file to see if you're setting it there.

Like I said, neither php ini nor apache confs have include_path commented out so it's definitely not from there; and I don't have anything in htaccess. Any other ideas?
I didn't mean it was taking from php.ini, I meant my comment was from there. If your php.ini and apache configs and htaccess ARE NOT being accessed. Then what I posted above is the default for PHP, and that's where it's coming from.