



amt = self.alt_inv - (self.alt_tax ? self.alt_tax : 0)
    - (self.alt_freight ? self.alt_freight : 0)
    - (self.misc1_amt ? self.misc1_amt : 0)
    - (self.misc2_amt ? self.misc2_amt : 0)

Looks ok to me with two exceptions:

1) Ruby makes assumptions about statement endings.


amt = self.alt_inv - (self.alt_tax ? self.alt_tax : 0)

is itself a valid statement, you need to either keep the minus on the prior line or escape the newline.

2) Ruby assumes "self" as the owner except for left side assignments. I suggest:

amt = alt_inv - 
  (alt_tax     ? alt_tax     : 0) -
  (alt_freight ? alt_freight : 0) -
  (misc1_amt   ? misc1_amt   : 0) -
  (misc2_amt   ? misc2_amt   : 0)
Larry K
@larry there is other way to write this condition. (alt_tax ? alt_tax : 0)
krunal shah
As others have said, you can also use the || operator's "short-circuit" behavior.
Larry K
+8  A: 

In ruby, if something is not nil, it will return true in a boolean expression and its value in a calculation. I'm not explaining it really well, but you can do something like this:

amt = alt_inv - 
  (alt_tax     || 0) -
  (alt_freight || 0) -
  (misc1_amt   || 0) -
  (misc2_amt   || 0)

This is a more concise way of doing the ternary you were originally using.


I actually like Jed Schneider's answer better than my own. I'll not copy it here, since his answer deserves the upvote for it's elegance.

+5  A: 

It might be cleaner if you could automatically initialize your object's values to 0 when the object was created, if those values were not supplied in the constructor. Otherwise, you need to do this sort of conditional logic everywhere in your objects these values are needed. Wouldn't you rather just do this?

amt = alt_inv - alt_tax - alt_freight - misc1_amt - misc2_amt 
Owen S.
It may be that some of those fields are `nil` in cases where there was no freight/tax/etc
As Jörg notes below, the distinction between nil and 0 had then better be important enough to justify this extra complexity. I'm skeptical.
Owen S.
+6  A: 

since the amt is the difference between the sum of all the attributes and the alt_inv you can sum the deductions and then subtract from alt_inv. Reduce offers a clean way to do this. Compact removes any nil values before performing the reduction. of course attributes in this case can be expanded to whatever your needs are, even created dynamically from data, and in real life, i wouldn't use the variable attributes, obviously.

attributes = [alt_tax, alt_freight, misc1_amt, misc2amt]
amt = alt_inv - attributes.compact.reduce(:+)

reduce: http://apidock.com/ruby/Enumerable/reduce

compact: http://apidock.com/ruby/Array/compact

Jed Schneider
I think that's needlessly complex.
IMHO four 'or' statements (or worse four ternary statements just to check nil) with four separate subtraction operators is needlessly complex
Jed Schneider
This is interesting from the code point of view, but I would NOT recommend this from the readability/maintenance point of view.
Larry K
+1 This is by far the most readable, simplest, easiest and clearest solution. It's amazing what simplifications you can achieve even with just simple grade school level math! Of course, the *really correct* solution would *still* be to just fix the friggin' bug that leaks all those `nil` s into the domain model in the first place, but by now it seems obvious that the OP is simply unwilling to do that.
Jörg W Mittag
This solution scales better to lots of, or arbitrary sets of, deductions, but I would disagree with Jörg about its readability/simplicity. I agree 100% with Jörg about getting rid of the nils in the domain model, though.
Owen S.
@jorg I respect your opinion about the nils, but there are many instances when these domain models could see these values as nil, lets assume this is a Rails model and that tax is a float in the database, it is not set, it is nil, if you dont define it otherwise in the model.@owen and @larry again assume it is a rails app and a product `:has_many` taxes, then with the `||` statements, you have to declare each tax specifically, check for nil and subtract. Add a new tax, then change the model code. It is far simpler and less fragile to call: `taxes.reduce(:+)`
Jed Schneider
Actually, I like @Jed Schneider's answer better than mine. Very elegant and terse. +1
+1  A: 

If you haven't local variable with same name, so instead of self.alt_tax you can write simply alt_tax without self.

Also || operator returns first operand when it's not nil and second otherwise, so instead of

alt_tax ? alt_tax : 0

you can write

alt_tax || 0
A lot of Python programmers carry over this habit. It makes code look so messy!
+1  A: 

A little variations from the solution of Jed, which is not needlessly complex, but more succinct IMHO. Using compact and inject (the most common synonym of reduce) are not complex, and thoroughly used among Ruby programmers.

amt = [alt_tax, alt_freight, misc1_amt, misc2_amt].inject(alt_inv) do |result, attribute|
  result - (attribute || 0)


amt = alt_inv - [alt_freight, misc1_amt, misc2_amt].compact.inject{|sum, n| sum + n }

which is an alternate way to write the inject(&:+) if you're uncomfortable with that syntax. If you're using Rails, you can substitute the inject with the sum method, or implement it yourself.


amt = alt_inv - alt_tax.to_f - alt_freight.to_f - misc1_amt.to_f - misc2_amt.to_f

nil.to_f = 0.0
