I have written a method in Ruby to find all the circular combination of a text
x = "ABCDE"
(x.length).times do
puts x
x = x[1..x.length] + x[0].chr
Is there a better way to implement this ?
I have written a method in Ruby to find all the circular combination of a text
x = "ABCDE"
(x.length).times do
puts x
x = x[1..x.length] + x[0].chr
Is there a better way to implement this ?
Here's an alternative approach.
str = "ABCDE"
(0...str.length).collect { |i| (str * 2)[i, str.length] }
I used a range and #collect
with the assumption that you'll want to do something else with the strings (not just print them).
I would do something like this:
x = "ABCDE"
x.length.downto(0) do |i|
puts x[i..-1] + x[0...i]
It concatenates the string from the current index to the end, with the begining to the current index.
This way you don't need to alter your original variable at all.
Combine the string to itself and get all consecutive elements of size n (n is length of original string) using Enumerable.each_cons
s = "hello"
(s + s).split('').each_cons(s.size).map(&:join)[0..-2]
# ["hello", "elloh", "llohe", "lohel", "ohell"]
You could write an enumerator.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class String
def rotations
Enumerator.new do|y|
times = 0
chars = split('')
y.yield chars.join('')
chars.push chars.shift
times += 1
end while times < chars.length
That way you can do things like this.
"test".rotations.each {|r| puts r}