



I'm sorry to have to ask something like this but python's mechanize documentation seems to really be lacking and I can't figure this out.. they only give one example that I can find for following a link:

response1 = br.follow_link(text_regex=r"cheese\s*shop", nr=1)

But I don't want to use a regex, I just want to follow a link based on its url, how would I do this.. also what is "nr" that is used sometimes for following links?

Thanks for any info

+1  A: 

From looking at the code, I suspect you want

response1 = br.follow_link(link=LinkObjectToFollow)

nr is the same as documented under the find_link call.

EDIT: In my first cursory glance, I didn't realize "link" wasn't a simple link.

I found the 'nr' info in the code itself. in the doctext for find_link... right around line 614
oh right I didn't even think that they would have a doc file there different from the online version, as I'm used to it also being online, thanks for the tip
+2  A: 

br.follow_link takes either a Link object or a keyword arg (such as nr=0).

br.links() lists all the links.

br.links(url_regex='...') lists all the links whose urls matches the regex.

br.links(text_regex='...') lists all the links whose link text matches the regex.

br.follow_link(nr=num) follows the numth link on the page, with counting starting at 0. It returns a response object (the same kind what returns)

br.find_link(url='...') returns the Link object whose url exactly equals the given url.

br.find_link, br.links, br.follow_link, br.click_link all accept the same keywords. Run help(br.find_link) to see documentation on those keywords.

Edit: If you have a target url that you wish to follow, you could do something like this:

import mechanize
br = mechanize.Browser()"")
for link in br.links():
    # Link(base_url='', url='', text='RFC 2606', tag='a', attrs=[('href', '')])
    if link.url == target_url:
        print('match found')
        # match found            

br.follow_link(link)   # link still holds the last value it had in the loop
@Rick: If you loop through `br.links()`, you can look at the string `link.url` to figure out if you want to follow it or not. No regex required.
thanks, I think I got it now... i don't know what it is but the versions of python mech that I have (latest ver) doesn't seem to have much in its doc file, not sure why.. anyways, thanks for the help and I think I can get it based on what you said, will try
I still can't figure out how to get a link to match, I am trying to use the regex as the full url but its not giving a match (when I do the for loop it never enters the loop implying it is not getting any matches)
@Rick: Regex is tricky. Some characters in your url like `.*+?()[]` all have different meanings in the context of a regex pattern as opposed to plain string comparison. Since you have the full url, you can use `==` to compare the url against `link.url`. I've added some code to show what I mean.
thanks, I have a lot of regex experience I think the issue was that I had a problem in my headers, I appreciate your help and I found another way to do it without using regex so I will post that for reference once I test it
+1  A: 

I found this way to do it, for reference for anyone who doesn't want to use regex:

r ="")
req = br.click_link(url='')
print br.response().read()

Or, it will work by the link's text also:

r ="")
br.find_link(text='Click this link')
req = br.click_link(text='Click this link')
print br.response().read()
@Rick: I like this solution a lot better than the one I suggested. (I think it even works without the calls to `br.find_link`). Please accept this one so it will bubble to the top.

nr is used for where exactly link you follow. if the text or url you has been regex more than one. default is 0 so if you use default you will follow link first regex at all . for example the source :

<a href="link.html>Click this link</a>
<a href="link2.html>Click this link</a>

in this example we need to follow "Click this link" text but we choose link2.html to follow exactly

br.click_link(text='Click this link', nr=1)

by it you will get link2.html response
