




I am having a problem with the form_for method in Rails. It is behaving strangely.

I have a route with a path prefix, something like:

map.resources :beers, :path_prefix => '/:brewery'

And I have a form like this (@beer.brewery is a string, just the name of the brewery):

<% form_for @beer, :url => { :brewery => @beer.brewery } do |form|
--some fields
<% end %>

It will set the action of the form to this for a new record.


and this for an existing record.


Anyone knows why this happens or how to fix it?


Right now I am solving this like this (for a new record):

 <% form_for @beer, :url => beers_path(@beer.brewery) do |form| %>

and (for an edited record)

<% form_for @beer, :url => beer_path(@beer.brewery, @beer) do |form| %>

But I want to do it the same way for new and edit, if it is possible.

Cheers, Thijs.

+1  A: 

I'm guessing you want this to go to a brewery's beer. In that case:

<% form_for [@beer.brewery, @beer] do |f| %>
  -- some fields
<% end %>

By providing an Array as the first argument to form_for it will generate a nested resource.

Ryan Bigg
No, that is not the case. The brewery part is for the prefix, not for a nested resource.
Thijs Wouters