Complied Mahout successfully under Windows using Maven.
I'm trying to run one of the examples from the command line and I don't get what I am doing wrong. Seems like a CLASSPATH problem.
Let's say I want to run the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner example. I go to the folder with the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner.class file in it and execute:
java -cp C:/mahout/core/target/classes;.
It gives me the NoClassDefFoundError exception for the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner class.
Is the path for -cp wrong?
btw, for those who aren't familiar with mahout,
is the package of the GroupLensRecommenderEvaluatorRunner class. javadoc
thanks guys.
p.s - I first looked on previous stackoverflow questions on CLASSPATH and followed the given solutions, before asking this question.