



I'm having trouble getting orbited to kill the connection it's proxying.

I'm using it to run IRC through a web browser. When the user disconnects, I would expect the IRC server to show the "remote host closed the connection" message, but instead I get ping timeout. So the code in (in connectionLost) isn't killing the connection.

I traced the problem back to the connectionLost method in TCPConnectionResource. It seems like the same TCPConnectionResource instance gets reused so self.lostTriggered is True every time after the first time. That means that connectionLost in only gets called once, at the beginning of the session.

It seems like there's a bug here somewhere where either the same TCPConnectionResource shouldn't get used over and over or self.lostTriggered should get flipped to False at some point.

Are there any orbited experts here who know what's going on?