




Yes, I know we can upcast or downcast in Java. But the type of the instance doesn't really seems to be change and it's giving me a problem.

E.g. class Foo{ int a, b; .. constructers, getters and setters }

class FooDTO extends Foo { ... }

FooDTO dto = FooDTO(1,2); Foo parent = (Foo) dto;

in hibernate, when saving the "parent", it's still think that it's a DTO object and can't be saved. Can I really turn a child instance into a parent instance?



No u can't trun child into parent in this way. You have create the object for parent sperately.like, Foo parent new Foo(dto.getA(),dto.getB());


you can save the 'parent' by using hibernate's save(entityName, object) method. In this case the entityName is the fully qualified class name of 'parent'.


An object's type cannot be changed after it has been created. If you create a FooDTO object it will always be a FooDTO object.

When you cast you are telling the JVM that you are going to use a reference of type X to point at an object that you know is of type X.

class Parent {}
class Child extends Parent {}

class Test {
    public void stuff() {
        Parent p = new Parent(); // Parent reference, Parent object
        Parent p2 = new Child(); // Parent reference, Child object
        Child c = new Child();   // Child reference, Child object 

        Parent p2 = c; // no explicit cast required as you are up-casting
        Child c2 = (Child)p; // explicit cast required as you are down-casting. Throws ClassCastException as p does not point at a Child object
        Child c3 = (Child)p2; // explicit cast required as you are down-casting. Runs fine as p2 is pointong at a Child object
        String s1 = (String)p; // Does not compile as the compiler knows there is no way a Parent reference could be pointing at a String object            
