




I have been trying to set up curl with php 5 and apache 2.2 for at least a day now and I have been thrown in so many directions. None of these directions worked for me. I have uncommented the extension=php_curl.dll and set the extension_dir = "c:\php\ext"

All of this was in the c:\php\php.ini I was then told that I am supposed to edit the c:\apache\bin\php.ini. I looked and there was nothing in that folder. If anyone could help me fix my problem I would appreciate it.

Edit: I have made a change in the httpd in my apache conf file to make it use the C:\php\php.ini file but it still does not load the extension.


Run a phpinfo() in a PHP file and look which php.ini is being used exactly. The path differs from system to system.

Make the change there, and if the curl dll is present (it usually is) you should be fine.

After restarting the server, look into phpinfo() again to see whether the module is present.

Configuration File (php.ini) Path: C:\WindowsLoaded Configuration File : (none)
Mark Tilton
@Mark then the windows one is the one to edit - if there is one