I am playing with the Android TTS engine. I am trying to set it to speak in Spanish from Mexico, rather than from Spain.
I have tried several combination's of language code / country code but I have not been able to get anything by Spanish from Spain. Here is my code currently
loc = new Locale("es", "MEX");
I have also tried ("es","US"), ("es","LA"), ("spa","US"), ("spa","MEX") with every combination that I can think of it is showing me this in the log:
TtsEngine::setLanguage found matching language(spa) but not matching country(MEX).
loaded es-ES successfully
I can exit my app and open up the TTS Service Extended. If I set the language to either Spanish[es] or Spanish-Latin America. Either way when I hit 'listen to preview' I get "Hola" which is expected. But from my application I get "Heyyo" instead of "Hola". Can anyone see what I am doing incorrectly to set my language?