



For hi5 there is a way to validate email addresses by importing your contacts from a hotmail account. I want to try and automate this task but am running into trouble.

Steps to get to form page.

  1. Create hotmail email account.
  2. Using hotmail email, make a new hi5 account.
  3. After creating an account do not add photo, but navigate to home by pressing logo in the top left corner of screen.
  4. Click the big Find Friends button (validation method 1).
  5. Notice pop up window with Window's Live login.

I would like some help with logging in on the pop up window. I haven't been able to automate this in ruby because the source code for the web page doesn't have a form to fill and submit and I'm not sure what sort of process I would need to fill it out otherwise. I've been looking at the harmony gem in ruby to help run javascript but still cant figure out the login.