



I'm trying to learn Objective-C, specifically with regard to iPhone programming. I've done programming at A level, which was 6 years ago now, and I dabble with some stuff every now and then. I was wondering what books people recommend to teach myself - I don't have a very good grasp of OOP, things like KVC/KVO (is this just ObjC?), and really want to delve into learning about all the different features, frameworks, how to make great UIs, good coding practice etc. Any advice would be most welcome - although my trial and eror approach so far is bumbling along nicely!


There is a "Head First"

+1  A: 

Apple's free documentation at the Apple Developer Connection is a good start. After that I find Hillegass' Cocoa_Programming_for_Mac_OS_X is good for cocoa and Obj-C. Not sure about iPhone books now, personally I'm waiting on some iOS 4 books to publish before buying anymore.

+1  A: 

If you already have some programming experience, I think you will like the book I used, Learn Objective-C on the Mac. It's not too big and assumes you already have some programming knowledge, so you can go through it easily.

For iPhone Development, I also used a book by the same publisher which is Beginning iPhone Development, and I think it's considered to be the iPhone Development book (in the style of 'the pickaxe book', 'the camel book', etc.)

Jorge Israel Peña