



In my current project I need to be able to have both editable and read-only versions of classes. So that when the classes are displayed in a List or PropertGrid the user is not able to edit objects they should not be allowed to.

To do this I'm following the design pattern shown in the diagram below. I start with a read-only interface (IWidget), and then create an edtiable class which implements this interface (Widget). Next I create a read-only class (ReadOnlyWidget) which simply wraps the mutable class and also implements the read only interface.

I'm following this pattern for a number of different unrelated types. But now I want to add a search function to my program, which can generate results that include any variety of types including both mutable and immutable versions. So now I want to add another set of interfaces (IItem, IMutableItem) that define properties which apply to all types. So IItem defines a set of generic immutable properties, and IMutableItem defines the same properties but editable. In the end a search will return a collection of IItems, which can then later be cast to more specific types if needed.

Yet, I'm not sure if I'm setting up the relationships to IMutable and IItem correctly. Right now I have each of the interfaces (IWidget, IDooHickey) inheriting from IItem, and then the mutable classes (Widget, DooHickey) in addition also implement IMutableItem.

Alternatively, I was also thinking I could then set IMutableItem to inherit from IItem, which would hide its read-only properties with new properties that have both get and set accessors. Then the mutable classes would implement IMutableItem, and the read-only classes would implement IItem.

I'd appreciate any suggestions or criticisms regarding any of this.

Class Diagram

alt text


public interface IItem
    string ItemName { get; }

public interface IMutableItem
    string ItemName { get; set; }

public interface IWidget:IItem
    void Wiggle();

public abstract class Widget : IWidget, IMutableItem
    public string ItemName

    public void Wiggle()
        //wiggle a little

public class ReadOnlyWidget : IWidget
    private Widget _widget;
    public ReadOnlyWidget(Widget widget)
        this._widget = widget;

    public void Wiggle()

    public string ItemName
        get {return  _widget.ItemName; }

public interface IDoohickey:IItem
    void DoSomthing();

public abstract class Doohickey : IDoohickey, IMutableItem
    public void DoSomthing()
        //work it, work it

    public string ItemName

public class ReadOnlyDoohickey : IDoohickey
    private Doohickey _doohicky;
    public ReadOnlyDoohickey(Doohickey doohicky)
        this._doohicky = doohicky;

    public string ItemName
        get { return _doohicky.ItemName; }

    public void DoSomthing()

Is it OK to create another object when you need a readonly copy? If so then you can use the technique in the included code. If not, I think a wrapper is probably your best bet when it comes to this.

internal class Test
    private int _id;
    public virtual int ID
            return _id;
            if (ReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot set properties on a readonly instance.");

    private string _name;
    public virtual string Name
            return _name;
            if (ReadOnly)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot set properties on a readonly instance.");

    public bool ReadOnly { get; private set; }

    public Test(int id = -1, string name = null)
        : this(id, name, false)
    { }

    private Test(int id, string name, bool readOnly)
        ID = id;
        Name = name;
        ReadOnly = readOnly;

    public Test AsReadOnly()
        return new Test(ID, Name, true);
Jeremy Pridemore