I would do it this way, add accessors old_password, reset_password (boolean that we set to true when reseting password):
attr_accessor :old_password, :reset_password
Now, we need to validate the old password when updating, but not reseting:
validate :old_password_valid, :unless => [:reset_password]
def old_password_valid
errors.add(:old_password, "You must introduce your password") if !new_record? && !valid_password?(old_password)
So far, we've validated that the old password is valid when the user is updating their profile.
Now, to ask for the new password or not, Authlogic adds a method 'require_password?' to your user model, you have to override it. I did this way:
def require_password?
password_changed? || (crypted_password.blank? && !new_record?) || reset_password
Basically asks for the password (and confirmation) when: 1) User updating password, 2) User activating their account (so they still haven't got a password), 3) user resetting password.
Hope this helps.
2010-08-28 10:52:46