I a perl code have seen the REAPER
has used as a signal handler for SIGCHLD
signal .
The function also not defined in the code . Can any one deeply explain the internal operation on the `REAPER` .
Thanks in advance.
I a perl code have seen the REAPER
has used as a signal handler for SIGCHLD
signal .
The function also not defined in the code . Can any one deeply explain the internal operation on the `REAPER` .
Thanks in advance.
Read : PerlIPC-Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes, safe subprocesses, sockets, and semaphores).
Read: "Reaping Zombies" from Chapter 16.01 in "Perl Programming third Edition" by Larry Wall
All Our perls have run Here but now they're hung Children don't fear the reaper Nor Do the wind, the sun or the rain We can be like they are Come on process, Don't fear the Reaper Baby take My file, Don't fear the Reaper We'll be able to crash, Don't fear the Reaper Baby it's your code
is just a placeholder name for code you have to write yourself. See perlipc for more details.