I have a class called myClass which defines post() and get() methods.
From index.html, I have a form with an action that calls myClass.post() which grabs some data from the data base, sets a couple variables and sends the user to new.html.
now, new.html has a form which calls myClass.get().
I want the get() method to know the value of the variables I got in post(). That is is main point here.
I figure the submit from new.html creates a separate instance of myClass created by the submit from index.html.
Is there a way to access the "post instance" somehow?
Is there a workaround for this? If I have to, is there an established way to send the value from post to "new.html" and send it back with the get-submit?
more generally, I guess I don't understand the life of my instances when web-programming. In a normal interactive environment, I know when the instance is created and destroyed, but I don't get that when I'm only using the class through calls to its methods. Are those classes even instantiated unless their methods are called?