




I need to create more fields for my calendar ( fullcalendar hooked up to mysql with php ). And I have been reading up on eventRender but I'm not entirely sure of the syntax and where I should put it.

Currently I have the following;

  timeslotsPerHour : 4,
  allowCalEventOverlap : true,
  overlapEventsSeparate: true,
  firstDayOfWeek : 1,
  businessHours :{start: 8, end: 18, limitDisplay: true },
  daysToShow : 7,
        theme: true,
        header: {
            left: 'prev,next today',
            center: 'title',
            right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'

        editable: true,
        events: "json-events.php",
  eventRender : function(calEvent, $event) {
       calEvent.distributor  //this is my new field


But I its not working and I can't find any working examples to compare it with. Thanks


you can include your own non-standard fields in each Event Object. FullCalendar will not modify or delete these fields.,this example help you eventRender

and see Event Object


Can you please clarify your question further? Do you want to add more options to the calendar framework itself, or are you talking about adding custom field to the event object? Such as description, location, etc?

As far as i know, only 'description' is an allowed field that can be added to the event object. At least the documentation mentions it that way.

Anyways - provide more details and maybe we can help you out.


Thanks for the feedback I have been able to add my custom fields using the eventRender. So now not just body and description are being passed.

My main issue now is passing the date values to the database as these are not being saved. Does anyone know of any examples where this is being used. I would really really appreciated it.
