Your question is slightly vague... are you the owner (DBA) of the Database? What version of Oracle is it? Are there other DBA's?
Since most users can only export their own schema by default and only DBA's and users specifically granted the EXP_FULL_DATABASE role will be allowed to export your schema. (Try to export somebody elses schema to see if you have privaleges to do this)
If you are the DBA you can make sure all other users don't have the EXP_FULL_DATABSE role. However, if there are other DBA's they will be able to export your schema.
See below for an explanation of how Import / Export works?
To use Export and Import, you must
have the CREATE SESSION privilege on
an Oracle database. This privilege
belongs to the CONNECT role
established during database creation.
To export tables owned by another
user, you must have the
EXP_FULL_DATABASE role enabled. This
role is granted to all database
administrators (DBAs).
If you do not have the system
privileges contained in the
EXP_FULL_DATABASE role, you cannot
export objects contained in another
user's schema. For example, you cannot
export a table in another user's
schema, even if you created a synonym
for it.
Sorry it's a little vague but I hope it helps.