




is there a way to obtain gmail's cookie value. Particularly I would like to know logged users email.

+6  A: 

No. Cookies are only accessible from their own domain. For obvious security reasons.

Developer Art
But what if I really really really want to read someone else's email?
Find out where they live, break in, and hope they left their computer logged in to their mail provider.
Marc B
+9  A: 

No, you cannot read gmail's cookies. Cookies are restricted by domain.

That having been said, you can use OpenID to allow a user to log into gmail and get their email address after.

+4  A: 

Yes. In Firefox, you can go to Tools->Privacy->Remove Individual Cookies. From there you can browse to the Google cookie folder. My cookie name "GAUSR" had my email address in it.

Thomas Langston
+1 for lateral thinking.
Michael Petrotta