



OK, this should be easy, but I do not find the solution, at least not in the not so good documentation.. In a TTaskDialog, you have the option to add one check-box. You can control its initial state by means of the tfVerificationFlagChecked flag in Flags. But how to get the state after the dialog has been Executed?

Of course one can use the OnVerificationClicked event and toggle a local variable, initially equal to the initial state of the checkbox, on each call. But one would expect a more natural solution.

+2  A: 

Can't you read Flags after the dialog is closed to see whether tfVerificationFlagChecked is still present?

Rob Kennedy
No. Tried that. And the documentation also says "If set, the verification check box is **initially** checked."
Andreas Rejbrand
True, but since we've already established the documentation isn't very good, we can't assume that the "initially" part is accurate.
Rob Kennedy
Rob Kennedy: Agree on that one! :)
Andreas Rejbrand
+5  A: 

O my God, Embarcadero has made a mistake.

A few tests of mine showed that if the check-box initially is unchecked, but is checked by the user, then the tfVerificationFlagChecked flag will be set. But if the flag is initally set, and the user unchecks the box, then tfVerificationFlagChecked will not be removed from the Flags set. And this is not strange. The VCL code does

Result := TaskDialogIndirect(LTaskDialog, {$IFNDEF CLR}@{$ENDIF}LModalResult,
  {$IFNDEF CLR}@{$ENDIF}LRadioButton, {$IFNDEF CLR}@{$ENDIF}LVerificationChecked) = S_OK;
FModalResult := LModalResult;
if Result then
  FButton := TTaskDialogButtonItem(FButtons.FindButton(FModalResult));
  FRadioButton := TTaskDialogRadioButtonItem(FRadioButtons.FindButton(LRadioButton));
  if LVerificationChecked then
    Include(FFlags, tfVerificationFlagChecked);

Notice that the flag is included if the checkbox is checked when the dialog closes, but there is no code to remove the flag if the box is unchecked by the user.

Of course, one would expect the latter part of the code to have read

  if LVerificationChecked then
    Include(FFlags, tfVerificationFlagChecked)
    Exclude(FFlags, tfVerificationFlagChecked)

I think I'll go with the OnVerificationClicked manual toggling approach.

Andreas Rejbrand
While you do code your work-around, would you also please add a report about this on Quality Central (if you haven't done so already) otherwise it most certainly will never be fixed...
Marjan Venema