
Can tdiQuestion be added to TaskDialog.MainIcon?

Can tdiQuestion be added to TaskDialog.MainIcon? Unavailability of the "?" icon in the TaskDialog renders it almost useless. Is there any fix? ...

C#: comctl32.dll version 6 in debugger

I'm using the WindowsAPICodePack for TaskDialog. When I try to show the dialog it says that it needs to load version 6 of comctl32.dll. So I added version 6 to the app.manifest and tried running it. Still no luck. I went to the Debug folder and ran the program without Visual Studio and it works fine. I'm guessing that Visual Studio isn't...

TaskDialog always on top in Visual C++

Is there a way to make a TaskDialog always on top (ie, system modal)? I've checked the TaskDialogConfig structure (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787473%28VS.85%29.aspx), but I'm not having any luck. Anyone know how to do it or if it's possible? ...

EntryPointNotFoundException when using TaskDialog in C#.

I'm using the following code to call a TaskDialog. [DllImport("ComCtl32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)] internal static extern void TaskDialogIndirect( [In] ref TASKDIALOGCONFIG pTaskConfig, [Out] out int pnButton, [Out] out int pnRadioButton, [Out] out bool pfVerificationFlagCh...

TaskDialog default button

stackoverflow just works faster :) I'm using the Windows® API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework to access Windows 7 API and I want to change my old MessageBox to TaskDialog. One thing I cannot find is the default button of the dialog. Is there a way to set it? what about a work around? thanks ...

How to modify TaskDialog's Show() call to be blocking and return a value when closed?

I'm using the WindowsAPICodePack's TaskDialog implementation, but it bugs me that I have to listen to click handlers on its buttons for even the more basic implementations. I'd like to convert/wrap it so that like the old MessageBox it blocks until closed and then returns a value based on what was done. Is there anything I can read for t...

SendMessage with TDM_CLICK_BUTTON return value is always zero

In my C# application I'm trying to use the TDM_CLICK_BUTTON message to click a button in a TaskDialog. This basically works just fine. What I expect to happen, happens. I even receive the TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED notification. But the documentation says, that the return value of SendMessage would be nonzero if the call succeeds. But it always...

How to verify if the checkbox is checked in a Delphi TTaskDialog?

OK, this should be easy, but I do not find the solution, at least not in the not so good documentation.. In a TTaskDialog, you have the option to add one check-box. You can control its initial state by means of the tfVerificationFlagChecked flag in Flags. But how to get the state after the dialog has been Executed? Of course one can use...

CTaskDialog hyperlinks in vc++

Hi I am using CTaskDialog class in my MFC application. I am trying to customize it. In this if i want to add hyperlinks, as of now there is no specific provision for this. But to add the buttons we can use "AddCommandControl" and can handle the button. If I want to implement similar to this AddHyperlinkControl and want to handle can any ...