
Detecting COMCTL32 version in .NET

How do I determine which version of comctl32.dll is being used by a C# .NET application? The answers I've seen to this question usually involve getting version info from the physical file in Windows\System, but that isn't necessarily the version that's actually in use due to side-by-side considerations. ...

ListView multiple selection behavior

The ListView in Comtl32.dll v6.0 does multiple selection (when using Shift key) as follows (x means selected) 00xxxx xxxxxx xxxx00 Earlier versions of ListView do it as follows : 00xx00 00xx00 00xx00 Is there any way to have it do the first way (the comctl32 v6.0 way)? Thanks John ...

Button background transparency using Win32 and Visual Styles

Edit: If anyone's tried this in win32 before, am I going in the right direction by using DrawThemeBackground()? I'v recently enabled Visual Styles using a manifest for version 6 of ComCtl32.dll. Example of Visual Styles in Win32: Visual Styles The buttons look great, but I can't figure out how to make the background around the buttons...

C#: comctl32.dll version 6 in debugger

I'm using the WindowsAPICodePack for TaskDialog. When I try to show the dialog it says that it needs to load version 6 of comctl32.dll. So I added version 6 to the app.manifest and tried running it. Still no luck. I went to the Debug folder and ran the program without Visual Studio and it works fine. I'm guessing that Visual Studio isn't...

Obtain the true name of the currently select file in the common file dialog?

One can get the text of the selected item in the list-view of a common dialog. But one can NOT get its PIDL, and if the user has chosen to hide known extensions (the default), then one cannot really tell what file was selected without either its extension or its PIDL. So possible ways to solve this might be: Obtain an IShellView fr...

Why does the TVM_GETITEM message fail on comctl32.ocx or mscomctl.ocx tree views?

I wrote a function which can yield the text of a tree view item, even if the tree view is in a remote process. The function allocates two chunks of memory in the remote process, populates a TVITEM structure (which is the copied into the remote process), sends a TVM_GETITEM message and finally reads the contents of the second remote memor...

How do I correctly toggle the visibility of my toolbar button?

I try to modify code for IE toolbar button in visual c++. I manage to hide my toolbar button using, TB_HIDEBUTTON at run time. How to unhide it back in run time? Here is the code that Im currently modifying: void CRebarHandler::setButtonMenu2(){ TBBUTTONINFO inf; inf.cbSize=sizeof(inf); inf.dwMask=TBIF_STYLE; inf.fsStyle=BTNS_D...

Dialog of my Word add-in not using visual styles

I have written a Word add-in in C++ using plain Win32 API. It opens some dialogs but these are always shown without commctl6 visual styles on Vista+. The manifest is in place as RT_MANIFEST and resource ID - 2 (as shown below). When I invoke the same functionality/dialogs from my own test app, visual styles are OK. Any idea how Word is ...

Skin Dialogs when using XP Themes?

I have been skinning dialogs by using the WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, WM_CTLCOLORBTN messages as such:- case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: hdc = (HDC)wParam; hwndCtl = (HWND)lParam; SetTextColor(hdc,RGB(0xff,0xff,0xff)); SetBkMode(hdc,TRANSPARENT); pt.x = 0; pt.y = 0; MapWindowPoints(hwndCtl,_hwnd,&pt,1); x = -pt.x; y...