I'm looking for a way in vim to easily visualize the various indent levels of python code. It would help if there was always a vertical rule at the beginning of the current line. That way I can scan down the code to see where the current block ends. Are there any plugins out there that do this?
The first thing that comes to mind is that you could benefit from a plugin that implements code folding.
Here is a tutorial with examples (scroll down to "Code folding") that recommends the use of the "Efficient python folding" plugin for vim.
in vim (no plugins needed):
:set list
will display tabs as '^I' and EOL as '$' by default.
:set lcs=tab:>>
you'd set '^I' to '>' (see more on that by :help listchars).
i'm not sure, but there should be another option to set the tab width.
also you may set
:set autoindent
for python
I think the command you're looking for is "colorcolumn", it's new to vim 7.2 or 7.3 I think.
You might be able to work something up with the autocommand trigger CursorMoved
autocmd CursorMovedI * set colorcolumn=match(getline("."),"\S")
You will probably have to play with this, using intermediate variables and such.
What this would do (if properly buried inside a function), is put a single vertical line at the starting character of the current line. This might be handy, but should probably only be put on a toggle.
EDIT: This turns out to be a bit more complicated than I thought originally. Basically you have to eliminate the effect of literal tabs (if they show up in your file)
autocmd CursorMoved * let &colorcolumn=matchend(substitute(getline("."),'\t',repeat(" ",&ts),'g'),"\\S")
When I was first putting this together I sortof thought it was silly, but just playing around with it for a few minutes, I sortof like the effect.
Note that you may or may not want a CursorMovedI version.
You can define you own syntax items for it (or use matches). Quick and dirty solution:
let colors=["red", "white", "yellow", "green", "blue"]
let matchids=[]
for level in range(1, len(colors))
execute "hi IndentLevel".level." ctermbg=".colors[level-1]." guibg=".colors[level-1]
call add(matchids, matchadd('IndentLevel'.level, '^ '.repeat(' ', level-1).'\zs '))
This will highlight five first indentation levels with different colors.
To disable:
while !empty(matchids)
call matchdelete(remove(matchids, 0))
You could simply emulate indentation guides. It's simpler and more effective, in my opinion. Please, take a look at my answer to the question about indentation guides.