Here's a quick first pass at this, there may be some bugs, but the numbers seem right at a glance. Also: I only tested this on sqlite3, so results on other databases may be different (in case the SUM or group functions are different)
class LoggedFood < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :food
def self.totals_by_day(date)
start_time = Time.parse(date).beginning_of_day
end_time = Time.parse(date).end_of_day
t = LoggedFood.arel_table
totals = LoggedFood.
select("SUM(calories * grams_eaten) as total_calories").
select("SUM(fat * grams_eaten) as total_fat").
select("SUM(carbs * grams_eaten) as total_carbs").
select("SUM(protien * grams_eaten) as total_protien")
return nil if totals.empty?
:total_calories => totals.first.total_calories,
:total_fat => totals.first.total_fat,
:total_carbs => totals.first.total_carbs,
:total_protien => totals.first.total_protien
(I obviously have no idea of the nutritional information of food)
@pizza = Food.create(:name => "pizza", :calories => 500, :fat => 10, :carbs => 20, :protien => 30)
@hot_dog = Food.create(:name => "hot dog", :calories => 400, :fat => 10, :carbs => 20, :protien => 30)
@apple = Food.create(:name => "apple", :calories => 100, :fat => 1, :carbs => 2, :protien => 3)
@banana = Food.create(:name => "banana", :calories => 100, :fat => 2, :carbs => 4, :protien => 6)
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when =>
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when =>
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when => 12.hours.ago)
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when =>
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when => 2.days.ago)
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when => 36.hours.ago)
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when => 2.days.ago)
LoggedFood.create(:food_id =>, :grams_eaten => 10, :ate_when => 50.hours.ago)
Then in the console:
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > LoggedFood.totals_by_day("2010-08-27")
LoggedFood Load (0.2ms) SELECT SUM(calories * grams_eaten) as total_calories, SUM(fat * grams_eaten) as total_fat, SUM(carbs * grams_eaten) as total_carbs, SUM(protien * grams_eaten) as total_protien FROM "logged_foods" INNER JOIN "foods" ON "foods"."id" = "logged_foods"."food_id" WHERE ("logged_foods"."ate_when" >= '2010-08-27 04:00:00.000000') AND ("logged_foods"."ate_when" <= '2010-08-28 03:59:59.999999') LIMIT 1
=> {:total_fat=>130, :total_protien=>390, :total_calories=>7000, :total_carbs=>260}
ree-1.8.7-2010.02 > LoggedFood.totals_by_day("2010-08-26")
LoggedFood Load (0.3ms) SELECT SUM(calories * grams_eaten) as total_calories, SUM(fat * grams_eaten) as total_fat, SUM(carbs * grams_eaten) as total_carbs, SUM(protien * grams_eaten) as total_protien FROM "logged_foods" INNER JOIN "foods" ON "foods"."id" = "logged_foods"."food_id" WHERE ("logged_foods"."ate_when" >= '2010-08-26 04:00:00.000000') AND ("logged_foods"."ate_when" <= '2010-08-27 03:59:59.999999') LIMIT 1
=> {:total_fat=>30, :total_protien=>90, :total_calories=>2000, :total_carbs=>60}