The Zeus for Windows IDE is fully scriptable in a hand full of languages. It has out of the box support for the JavaScript, Lua, Python, TCL and VBScript languages.
It can also be configured to use other WSH based scripting languages like DMDScript or RubyScript.
they do not support macro recording
(you have to write your own macro
script in some scripting language).
In Zeus you have the choice. You can write the macros by hand or you can also let Zeus write them for you.
To have Zeus write the macros you just need to tell it which scripting language it should use to write the macro (i.e. once off configuration).
Then to record a macro you just use the start/stop recording menu options or the alternative keyboard shortcuts and Zeus will write the macro based on your actions using the language you selected.
For example assume the Lua language has been selected and the user records the action of opening a new file window and typing in some Hello world... text.
This is the Lua macro script that Zeus will create:
function key_macro()
print("Hello world...")
key_macro() -- run the macro
With the TCL language selected the same user actions will result in Zeus creating this TCL macro instead:
proc key_macro {} {
zeus screen_update_disable
zeus FileNew
puts -nonewline "Hello world..."
zeus screen_update_enable
zeus screen_update
key_macro; # run the macro
These macros can then be saved to disk, edited by hand, bound to the keyboard, bound to menu etc. etc.