Do you know any grid control compatible with .NET and Mono?
DataGridView seems to be quite buggy on Mono, and GTK# controls depends on GTK+ so you need to install it in windows machines where, usually, it's not present.
Do you know any grid control compatible with .NET and Mono?
DataGridView seems to be quite buggy on Mono, and GTK# controls depends on GTK+ so you need to install it in windows machines where, usually, it's not present.
Which version did you try? Perhaps you should give Mono 2.0 preview a go, it might work for you (no, the Data* controls are not yet perfect, but they have improved greatly). From my experience GTK# controls on Windows are not that great either...
I tried mono 1.9.1 (Mono 2.0 beta) and had some problems with sorting, generated columns, and some nasty exceptions.
You might want to try out the preview of Mono 2.0. DataGridView is vastly better in this version, though there are still several places where it is still lacking.
hello there if you want to try free grid controls that can work in .nt and mono, just try obout or try this links ok.