You can also match the things you do not want with the -v option :
ptimac:Tools pti$ du | grep -v '/.*/'
22680 ./960-Grid-System
137192 ./apache-activemq-5.3.0
23896 ./apache-camel-2.0.0
386816 ./apache-servicemix-3.3.1
251480 ./apache-solr-1.4.0
345288 ./Community
(I checked the solaris man page first now ;-)
There are other ways on GNU systems to skin that cat without using regex :
find . -d1
finds all files/folders at a depth of 1
and a command I use often when cleaning housedisk is :
du -d1
or (and this should work on Solaris too)
du | sort -n
which shows me the largest directories wherever they are below the current directory.