




How to configure JAXB unmarshaller so it will trim leading and trailing whitespaces from strings?

For instance let's consider a simple binding between a Java bean and XML using JAXB annotations:

class Bean {

  String name;

  int number;

I would like to be able to unmarshal XML given bellow so bean.name does not include starting and trailing whitespaces - is "My name", not "\n My name\n ".

    My name
+1  A: 

Use a custom Adapter class. I was thinking that NormalizedStringAdapter would do the work but it's only for unmarshaling and it doesn't do what you want anyway.

public class MyNormalizedStringAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, String> {

    public String marshal(String text) {
     return text.trim();

    public String unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
     return v.trim();

then decorate the field with your adapter like this:

String name;
bruno conde
Is there any other way of achieving that without making a custom XmlAdapter?