
If I remember correctly, you need to add your Java's /bin path to your path environment variable by hand. Open your Computer by right-clicking, go to Advanced system settings, then Environment Variables and add the full path to the Path variable. For example, I added ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin to the existing string.


You need to take care of three things...I too faced similar problems so can tell you how to go about it: 1) Download Eclipse -> 32 bit version...since your SDk is 32 bit...make sure ur JDK is 32 bit... 2) After downloading 32 bit version install Android ADT first...... 3)Then go to Preference-> Android -> Give the SDk path here......n then download the platforms and samples....

Feel free to ask if your still unable to get it sorted coz i faced similar problems....

Rohan K
Rohan, could you please provide a link, because I have a hard time finding the right Java software to download ?Thanks in advance.And should I uninstall Java JDK x64 ?
Martin K
Martin K
JDK 32 bit should be installed on your PC ....You can download it from Sun site...
Rohan K
Martin K
Android is displayed only after ADT is installed....GO to help-> Install new software -> Then give the ADT path...It will install new software...After this step Android will be displayed above Preferences ....
Rohan K
I found my mistake. I downloaded "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers", and not "Eclipse Classic 3.6.0". I downloaded the last mentioned, and it works perfectly now.Thanks alot for your help !
Martin K