In rails 2.3.8 I am having trouble with validations on a accepts_nested_attributes_for association if I loop through or even inspect the habtm association in validation the lessons are loaded and any updates are lost. For example, I have the following schema:
ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 20100829151836) do
create_table "attendees", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "lesson_set_id"
t.string "name"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
create_table "lesson_sets", :force => true do |t|
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
create_table "lesson_sets_lessons", :id => false, :force => true do |t|
t.integer "lesson_id"
t.integer "lesson_set_id"
create_table "lessons", :force => true do |t|
t.integer "activity_id"
t.integer "limit"
t.datetime "created_at"
t.datetime "updated_at"
and the following models:
class Attendee < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :lesson_sets
class Lesson < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :lesson_sets
class LessonSet < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :lessons
has_many :attendees
accepts_nested_attributes_for :lessons
validate do |lesson_set|
lesson_set.lessons.each do |l|
if l.limit < attendees.count
self.errors.add_to_base("Sorry only #{l.limit} people allowed on lesson")
If I call the following:
>> ls = LessonSet.first
=> #<LessonSet id: 1, created_at: "2010-08-29 07:50:23", updated_
at: "2010-08-29 07:50:23">
>> Lesson.last
=> #<Lesson id: 1, activity_id: 29, created_at: "2010-08-29 07:57:13", updated_a
t: "2010-08-29 17:04:34", limit: 5>
params = {"lessons_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"activity_id"=>"3", "id"=>"1", "_destroy"=>""}}, "id"=>"1"}
=> {"id"=>"1", "lessons_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"activity_id"=>"3", "id"=>"1", "_des
>> ls.update_attributes(params)
=> true
>> Lesson.last
=> #<Lesson id: 1, activity_id: 29, created_at: "2010-08-29 07:57:13", updated_a
t: "2010-08-29 17:04:34", limit: 5>
>> params = {"lessons_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"activity_id"=>"29", "id"=>"1", "_de>
=> {"id"=>"1", "lessons_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"activity_id"=>"29", "id"=>"1", "_de
>> ls.update_attributes(params)
=> true
<y_id"=>"3", "id"=>"1", "_destroy"=>""}}, "id"=>"1"}
=> {"id"=>"1", "lessons_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"activity_id"=>"3", "id"=>"1", "_des
>> Lesson.last
=> #<Lesson id: 1, activity_id: 29, created_at: "2010-08-29 07:57:13", updated_a
t: "2010-08-29 17:04:34", limit: 5>
>> ls.update_attributes(params)
=> true
>> Lesson.last
=> #<Lesson id: 1, activity_id: 3, created_at: "2010-08-29 07:57:13", updated_at
: "2010-08-29 17:13:36", limit: 5>
Which is basically:
the last lesson starts with an activity_id of 29
call update_attributes on the lesson_set to try and set the activity_id to 3
it returns true but when we look at the last lesson it has not changed
then set the activity id to be 29 ie. the same and call update_attributes
activity_id is still 29
but then call again to try and set it to 3
and this time it updates the lesson.???
Is there something wrong with my code this seems really odd behaviour to me and I cant find anything on the net similar.
think I am heading for a head slap moment!