



How can I in Drupal define that menu item link is available only for registered users, and not for users that are not loged in?

+1  A: 

Just make sure the node this menu item leads to can be accessed only by registered users. Try access control modules if there's no inbuilt mechanism that works for you. I sometimes use Content Access for that, although it's primarily for controlling access per content type. You can try Nodeaccess, which controls access per node.

how can i define that node can be accessed only by registered users? i need it both for story and for page.
Like I said: use Content Access if you want to restrict access per content type, or Nodeaccess if you wish to set per node access permissions.
a-ha those are custom modules. tnx!
Yes, they are. Sorry for not making it clear :).
ok. which one do you recommend? can you post links to modules pages?

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