I am trying to select all the records from a sqlite db I have with sqlalchemy, loop over each one and do an update on it. I am doing this because I need to reformat ever record in my name column.
Here is the code I am using to do a simple test:
def loadDb(name):
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///'+dbPath(), echo=False)
metadata = MetaData(bind=engine)
return metadata
db = database("dealers.db")
metadata = db.loadDb()
dealers = Table('dealers', metadata, autoload=True)
dealer = dealers.select().order_by(asc(dealers.c.id)).execute()
for d in dealer:
u = dealers.update(dealers.c.id==d.id)
I'm getting the error:
sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) database table is locked u'UPDATE dealers SET name=? WHERE dealers.id = ?' ('hi', 1)
I'm very new to sqlalchemy and I'm not sure what this error means or how to fix it. This seems like it should be a really simple task, so I know I am doing something wrong.