I want to work on an Xorg server module and I am wondering how I can reload the module at runtime.
Also, maybe someone can give me some good tips about doing this (because I never have worked with Xorg server code before).
Esp. I am running the Ubuntu version of Xorg 7.5 (if that matters much -- does it?).
What I want to do specifically is to implement mouse wheel acceleration in XInput.
I thought about adding a new option for this which can be set somewhere (I think xorg.conf is not anymore the place where you do the XInput configuration; where is it now and what would be the best way to introduce a new setting, i.e. MouseWheelAccel or sth like this?).
And then of course to implement the actual acceleration. As mouse wheel events are just like button press events, I thought of just increasing the rate of firing such events. How to implement this is actually really the minor problem. (I am actually thinking about it as being trivial. Let's see if the Xorg code allows it to be so simple...)