



I am using MVC2.

I have a model defined as

public class Department
        public object Id { get; set; }

        [Required(ErrorMessage = "Department Name is required")]
        [DisplayName("Department Name")]
        public string Name { get; set; }

        public bool Active { get; set; }

How to update an existing department document through my controller? my edit action is defined as

public ActionResult Edit(string id, Department department)

answer stated here tells there is a PATCH command to update a document. But i didn't find this in IDocumentSession class in Raven's Client API

I do not want to first get the document and then update it like the way it is done in RavenDB's MVCMusicStore example

var albumModel = session.Load<Album>(id);
            //Save Album

            UpdateModel(albumModel, "Album");
+2  A: 

You need to use code like this:

  new PatchCommandData{
        Key = "users/15",
        Patches = new [] {
            Type = "Set",
            Name = "Email",
            Value = "Ayende"

See this thread on the discussion group for more info

Matt Warren
@Matt Thanks. I also tried with setting the Id which was auto generated by RavenDB and then storing the document dbSession.Store(department). It worked too!