




I already asked this question in a German TYPO3 community but no one had any answer for me.

I used the following two articles to get my tt_news with RealURL up and running and to later add a RSS feed for my tt_news articles:


I hope that even non German speakers can get the information needed. So I put everything up and running, the RSS feed is being generated but the dates in the URLs are missing in the feed.

For example I’ve got an URL like www.example.com/startseite/news/datum/2010/08/29/neue-startseite-online/ generated by RealURL. In the feed the URL for the same article looks like this: www.example.com/startseite/news/datum/neue-startseite-online/. The date is completely missing. As I still don’t understand how to build custom URLs with RealURL I really don’t know how to fix this.

Any help would be much appreciated.