



Hi guys!

I have the following problem...

For a while now i noticed a bug in isElementPresent function in selenium RC 2.0a5.

It works only half of the time or so.

I have wait before it i have pageload before it and i made sure that the id is NOT dinamically generated. Still...

I do a waitForElementToAppear which is implemented using the Waiter in Selenium...

And then when i'm trying to use the element OR doing an isElementPresent check... It sometimes fails to use that element although i do have a screenshot of it being there..

Also i tried using Thread.sleep to wait out. It sometimes works, sometimes not.

So do you guys encountered the same problem too?

thanks, Gergely.


Current Selenium RC version is 1.0.3. What you are using is a WebDriver remote server, so you shouldn't use it with your Selenium RC tests - stay on RC 1.0.3. Selenium Server 2.0a5 is for the RemoteWebDriver. And also 2.0a5 is Alpha release, so you should expect bugs

I'm using selenium-server-standalone-2.0a5. It has selenium rc bundled with in it. Also i do think it has the same one as in 2.0a4 not? Well, however... I will try your approche. :) Thanks!
It seems that it helped with the issue of isElementPresent. What i'm now facing is that sometimes it does not kill firefox. And when i look at the server in the morning i see at least a dozen or so windows open.I'm guessing that the tearDown is not executed but i'm not sure..Anyways. Thanks! :)
The Selenium 2.0 releases contain a fully backwards-compatible implementation of Selenium 1.x. In fact, they're a shared source tree. The "alpha" flag is related to the changing API for Selenium 2 and does not reflect the quality of the underlying implementation. So, in short, 2.0a5 should work just fine and if not, that's a bug that should be reported so it can be fixed.