



I'm creating an app that I want to seed with a data file the app will use as its initial state. In the Eclipse project structure, where do I add the data file so that when the app is deployed to the device (and emulator) the data file is deployed with it?


It will be helpful it you can the data file type and the purpose. If you are looking to initalize certain settings you can do it through:

Describe preferences in xml --- store in RES/XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android=""&gt;
    <PreferenceCategory >
        <CheckBoxPreference  />

Load for sure onCreate():

/* Loading default preferences the first time application is run */
                R.xml.generalsettings, false);


You can hardcode data and store in the db:

String sql = "CREATE TABLE ..." + "INSERT VALUES ... INTO ... ";

Else you can store this file in the Assets folder and use getAssets() to retrieve the file:


Eg. using raw data file. In case of assets replace with above command:

      InputStream is = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.artoodict);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
    String readLine = null;

    try {
        while ((readLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

    } catch (IOException e) {
Sameer Segal
The kind of data I'm thinking about isnt user settings. Its more like a list of locations, by state (200 - 300 locations per state). I'm still not sure how the app will request the data; via SQLLite call, or webservice call or what. But for now I was just gona put it in a data file (one file per state), and have the app just open the file and read the contents.But I cant figure out where to put the data files in the eclipse project structure, and how to push the data files to the app/emulator when debugging.
And even if I was going to use SqlLite, I need to initialize the database somehow, which will require 50*200 insert statements. So I guess my real question is how do you seed initial data required by an android app when first developing one?
Put it in the assest's folder. You can use the simple file read statements to extract the values. XML based input is another option.See edits above
Sameer Segal