



Hey I'm having trouble finding documentation on pulling Facebook status updates from the public domain. I tried using the Old REST API and the Graph API, and I've hunted for documentation, sample code, tutorials and forums for something just to start me off, but I can't find anything. All I want to do is grab status feeds from users. I also saw you could do that by pulling from the RSS feeds, but I think FB shut that down.

This is the closest I got to anything (which came from sample code from another post). I tried substituting in other usernames for "haanmc" but none of the other ones worked:


 require '../src/facebook.php';
 // Create our Application instance.

 $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => 'XXXXXX','secret' => 'XXXXX'));
 // This call will always work since we are fetching public data.
 // this could be /username or /username/friends etc...
 // see developer api for FQL for examples
 $status = $facebook->api('/haanmc/feed?limit=1');

 <p><?php print $status['data'][0]['message']; ?></p>
 <textarea style="width: 95%; height: 100%;"><?php print_r($status); ?></textarea>

Sounds to me like you want the Search API

Peter Bailey