



A book recommendation or a website would be fine. Also, how proficient must I be with Java to use JSF effectively?

Here are some notes about my background and what I need to do with JSF:

  • I'm a web designer; I don't really consider myself a developer.
  • I have a rudimentary understanding of Java and only a small amount of Java programming experience (mostly from college, and a couple really basic freelance jobs).
  • My boss mostly just wants the front end delivered with jsf tags. Any jsf components I build will be really basic; more complicated components will be built by developers.

In other words, I'm just looking for a pretty simple introduction. If I'm interested after that I'll dig deeper.


+1  A: 

You should start with the official JEE 5 - JSF tutorial.

Resources :

On the same topic :

Colin Hebert gives me itch. It actually only teaches bad practices.

I'm using Core JavaServer Faces as the definitive reference.

Available on Safari -

You do not need extreme knowledge of Java to work with JSF, but to work fluently with managed beans etc. it is nice to know the basics of what is actually going on.

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen